Monday, September 5, 2011

Another T-Shirt

Second t-shirt design. A Road Warrior joke. Lot of fun to do.


One of two t-shirt designs I came up with for a class. We had to submit 2 designs to a site like Threadless. This shirt is an Exorcist joke, depicting Pazuzu waving enthusiastically with the caption "Howdy" (Pazuzu is always shown with his right arm extended upward, and Captain Howdy is the name that Regan identifies the demon with). Either went over peoples' heads, or not many Exorcist fans out there.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

comic book cover

Comic book covers for an illustration elective-- the Tales from the Crypt is a typical revenge idea about lovers, maybe she killed her husband for his money or something and now he's back from the grave to get even, a common theme found in those old comics. The only part I made was the scene below the title, the icons on the left and title were taken directly from an actual issue (Jack Davis is the artist behind those three figures, I believe).

The Wacky Misadventures of Don Knotts was a gag idea where he's always found in the wrong place at the wrong time; with someone like Don Knotts, his shenanigans were tame and silly, so I thought making an extreme dynamic would be funny. Seeing the lighthearted 50s/60s comedian in extremely disturbing situations also re-emphasizes how much we adore the man.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


My second poster for the American Royal Barbecue, this one was based on an idea I wanted to do last year but decided on something different, if not in the same vein. I started out trying to make a macabre poster, but as it progressed I realized I could pass it off as a normal attempt, the characters might go past the judges' heads.
Poster design to be considered for the American Royal Barbecue. This first one is corny in hopes of having a chance at being chosen.